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Managers Only

When your salesperson arrives at the prospect's office, you're invested heavily in the next 20 minutes. Whether or not there's a sale, all your overhead is already paid for. When your people find new ways to close sales, those incremental sales aren't just double the fun, they're double the profit.

New sales generated by the VASS Method are encumbered only by Cost of Goods Sold and other variable expense, but NOT fixed expense: They are won without adding people, real estate, brochures or advertising. Your marketing and sales budgets have already bought and paid for these just-out-of-reach, almost-closed sales.

These new sales are the result of closing more of the leads you already own. These "found sales" have a disproportionate effect on your revenues and your company's market valuation.

For clarity, this example assumes your company has 10% profitability and an even ratio of 45% fixed and 45% variable expense. It also assumes you're a public company with a 10:1 P:E ratio.

Please enter your current Gross Sales and what sales growth you aim for by selling better, not spending more:

Current Gross Sales
Actual Earnings (Calculated After-Tax Earnings) $
Calculated Market Valuation
(assumes a 10:1 P/E ratio)
    (for reference only)
Target Post-Vass Sales Growth*   %
*What might your improvement be? (our clients get 25 - 50%, often more)
Calculated Results, based on your current data and VASS Client experience
Incremental Sales Profit Ratio % (Too good to be true? Ask your CFO)

A Couple of Years of Outcomes:



Next Year

The Year After

Gross Sales $ $ $
Annual Earnings $ $ $
Growth in Annual Earnings
  %   %
Market Valuation $ $ $
Cumulative Increase in Share Price
and Total Market Valuation
% %